Sharing Rambling, Resources and Recipes for Learning in Life

Sharing Rambling, Resources and Recipes for Learning in Life


Let’s break bread and learn together!

My Latest Posts

  • Easy, Simple Applesauce (Apple Butter) Recipe
    If you are like me, you are always looking for easy snacks that your children actually enjoy AND that are good for them. This recipe can help with that search! My youngest loves this recipe straight from the jar whether it is still warm from the crock pot or cold … Read more
  • A New DIY Hair Gel!
    I tried a new hair gel recently! It was SO incredibly easy to make!! I loved that fact immensely, I also loved the hold. The first gel I tried making on my own is made from flax seeds and water. I got that recipe from Mommypotumus. In her post about … Read more
  • My Faith will Lead to His Grace
    If this is still about you, you haven’t learned your lesson yet Today has been a difficult day. It started with some of the same things that are always hard, staying focused while learning for the girls, complaining that there were things that had to be done. Then on top … Read more
  • Applesauce Muffins
    As we try to gear up to return to school, after-school snacks automatically come to mind. I don’t know about you, but both of my daughters and most other kids their age, that I know, are positively starving after school. That means it is up to me to have tasty … Read more
  • Running, Friend or Foe!?!
    I love running. AND, I hate running. Lately, the love is winning over the hate. Running is SUPER hard for me. I am far from a natural runner. I am slow and lumbering in my gate. However, I owe much to running. It was integral in helping reach my lowest … Read more